Thursday, October 6, 2011

40 Interesting and Scientific Facts About The Planet Uranus | Scienceray

40 Interesting and Scientific Facts About The Planet Uranus | Scienceray 

Uranus is one of the largest planets in the Solar System.

Here’s a list of interesting and educational tidbits about the planet Uranus.

1.) The planet Uranus is named after the god of the heavens in Greek and Roman mythology – Uranus, the father of Saturn and the grandfather of Jupiter.
2.) Uranus is the 7th planet in distance from the Sun and the 3rd largest planet in diameter, and 4th largest in mass in the solar system.
3.) Uranus is peculiar among other major planets because it is tipped sideways on its axis of rotation.
4.) This planet experiences extreme seasons.
5.) Uranus has 13 rings and 27 known moons.

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