Saturday, February 28, 2015

A Modern Approach For Teachers to Resolve Unfinished Lessons

A Modern Approach For Teachers to Resolve Unfinished Lessons 

            One of the most common problems encountered by teachers from all subject areas is the inability to finish all the lessons in a year due to various reasons such as school activities and programs; calamities such as floods, flash floods, typhoons, earthquakes and many others. One of the most notable implications of this is the students’ low performance in RAT, NAT and other related assessment examinations.

            If you are having problem finishing all your lessons before the end of each grading period or before the end of the school year, you must conceptualized and create a modern approach in resolving it. Since Internet is the fastest way and the widest source of information, it can be utilized as a solution to the problem. A practical and innovative approach should be applied by every teacher to address the problem. One approach I thought that could resolve or minimize the problem is the implementation of a so-called “FACEBOOK KO, PANOORIN MO”. This is a very practical approach because Internet can be access through Internet connection in schools, Internet cafés in the community, Wi-Fi connections, broadband, USB connection such as Tattoo and others.

            This approach will be conducted by posting on Facebook a power point presentation of all the last lessons that are not usually tackled due to the above-mentioned reasons.

            Teachers in a particular subject in a particular year level should collaborate in producing or creating the power point presentation or mini-film. The effectiveness of this approach is more likely successful if the school has its own Audio-visual room or Computer laboratory with internet access. Without these facilities, the teacher must produce his/her own Laptop equipped with either Globe tattoo or Smart broadband so that this approach can be realized. For the students who are not able to view the power point presentation published on Facebook can still access it through internet cafés available in the community. An evaluation at the end of the show will be accomplished by the students.

            Through this approach, lessons for 3-5 days can be shown in a minimum of one hour or less, thus, covering all the lessons which are not usually taken due to the above-mention factors. In addition, the presentation should be break down into segments with proper evaluation/assessment for each segment.

            If this approach is properly implemented, students will have better and higher performances in assessment examinations such as RAT (Regional Achievement Test) NCAE (National College Assessment Examination), NAT (National Achievement Test) and others.

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